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Career change after physiotherapy: 5 questions to ask when making the transition

If you are a physiotherapist for some time now, you might want to explore other career options for you. There are quite a few physiotherapists I know who are looking for a career change after physiotherapy. Burnout, lack of professional growth, and low salary are some of the common reasons I hear. You might be looking for a career because of the aforementioned reasons or you just want to start a side hustle, I get it! However, embarking on a career change after physiotherapy is a significant step. In this blog post let’s take a look at 5 questions you should ask when considering career change after physiotherapy. 

What are your long-term goals? 

Begin by envisioning your future. Consider where you see yourself in five, ten, or even twenty years. How does your new career fit into this vision? In other words, think about the lifestyle you wish to have. 

Think about why are you changing careers. Is it because you want to climb up the corporate ladder or do you wish to work remotely? Or maybe you wish to spend more time with your kids.  Do you want to make a better income? Or Do you want to start a side hustle, if that is the case, do you have time for it? Think about all these questions to get clarity. 

Regardless, of whether you’re aiming for greater work-life balance, improved financial stability, or a more impactful role, ensure that your career change paves the way toward achieving these objectives.

Will You Be Able to Support Yourself Financially During the Transition?

A career change often entails financial adjustments. Evaluate your current financial situation and assess whether you can comfortably navigate the transition period. Calculate potential income changes, account for any required training costs and factor in living expenses. 

Consider creating a financial cushion to provide stability as you move from one role to another. This preparation will ease potential financial stress and allow you to focus on your career transition with confidence.

Do You Have the Required Skill Set for the New Role?

Depending on the career path you wish to pursue you may need to learn new skills or may even need a new degree. However, this is may not always necessary. For roles such as Telehealth physiotherapist, Insurance manager, or Ergonomic consultant your physiotherapy knowledge is more than enough. You just need to identify transferable skills for the new role. 

In other cases, you will need to identify the skills needed for your desired role and assess your current skill set. Are there gaps that require addressing? Research relevant courses, workshops, or training programs that can equip you with the necessary expertise. 

Investing in skill development not only enhances your qualifications but also bolsters your confidence as you step into your new career.

What Is the Potential for Career Growth?

Growth prospects are pivotal in evaluating a new career path. Research the industry trends and potential opportunities for advancement within your chosen field. Consider the trajectory of professionals who have successfully navigated similar transitions. 

That is why networking plays a big role when changing careers. Connect with professionals who are already in your desired role and ask them questions about their work. LinkedIn is an excellent platform to connect with other professionals. Feel free to skim through my spotlight section to know more about different career paths. 

Are there possibilities for promotions, specialization, or leadership roles? A career change should not only offer a fresh start but also provide room for personal and professional growth.

Will It Bring You Joy?

It might be really exciting to think about making a job out of something you love, but be careful when doing so. If you’re planning to turn your personal passion into a full-time job, you should ask yourself if this could take away the happiness you feel. Few people who turn their passion into a job end up making them hate the work they once loved. 

Ultimately, your career change should bring you fulfillment and joy. Reflect on whether the new role aligns with your values and interests. Does the prospect of this career change excite you? Assess how the role resonates with your personality and work style. Remember, a fulfilling career contributes significantly to overall well-being and life satisfaction.


Transitioning to a new career in physiotherapy is a transformative endeavor. By addressing these five crucial questions, you’re equipping yourself with the insights needed to make an informed decision. Remember, this process is about your personal and professional growth. With thorough self-reflection and thoughtful planning, you’re well on your way to shaping a rewarding and purposeful career path.

If you need more support with the career change, enroll in my exclusive one-on-one career change consultation. Let me be your guide through this transition, offering tailored insights and empowering guidance to help you make informed decisions. Click here to get on the waitlist!

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Hello, My name is Tejashree Limaye. I am a physiotherapist with 10+ years of experience. I help you go from being stuck in your career to finding a job you love! I provide career guidance about clinical and non clinical PT career in India. I also help you with US PT licensing process. Welcome to my blog, I hope you find the exact guidance you have been looking for!